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Obstetrics and Gynecology Fourth Year Electives

Fourth Year Elective Policy for 2015-16 Academic Year

We get multiple requests every year for fourth year student electives in the OB/Gyn Department. In the past, these have been assigned on a “first come, first serve” basis.

In order to maximize the experience of everyone involved, we have limited the number of slots to 2 per month and implemented an application process. While we prefer to have students intent on pursuing OB/Gyn, this is not mandatory.

Please note that all applications received up to April 1, 2015 will be analyzed in the first 2 weeks in April. On April 15, we will begin notifying students that are accepted for rotation. After April 1, we will continue to evaluate applications on a rolling basis for unfilled rotations.

Applicants from US Schools should use the VSAS Application service. If your school does not participate, please feel free to complete one of the applications below.

Please download the application, complete and return to Ellen. If you click on the icon below, it will download in the listed format.

pdf Applicationpdf Application Word ApplicationWord Application

Please note: an application will be required for all fourth year electives in the 2014-15 Academic year (VSAS or above).

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Phone: (248) 849-3014
Fax: (248) 849-5398